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Pothos 'Moon Bender '





Nomenclatural Notes:

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Released Year:




Cultivar Type:



Leanna and Joseph Bender


Leanna and Joseph Bender

Seed Parent:

Pollen Parent:

Base Species or Cultivar:

Marble Queen Pothos


Cultivar Origin:

A 3 leaf, halfmoon vine was found on our parent marble queen pothos, connected to the roots below the soil Fall 2022. I decided to experiment by chopping and rooting the vine knowing that halfmoons are not stable and it should revert to marble queen coloration soon. To my surprise it continued to produce 13 or 14 more halfmoon leaves before producing a predominantly green leaf in Fall 2023. At this point I chopped the vine into 2-3 leaf propagations tossing the top leaf. Of my 6 props, 5 survived. Each propagation initially produced leaves that were predominantly white, with green speckling (snow queen esque) but with larger white portions and minimal speckling. As the vines matured, there were larger chunks of green variegation and more halfmoon leaves but, not just the traditional white/green split. There are also white/cream-white speckling splits as well.
I have many photos through this process, but will only upload the most recent for this submittal. Fell free to request more, I have a google photo album I can share

Name Origin:

We wanted to include our last name, to mark its origin, "Bender". "Moon" comes from the aspect that it produces rather consistent halfmoon leaves, with either white/green combos or white/white combos.

Growth Habit:

Standard pothos care. Indoors. I've moved it around to various light sources (east, north and south facing windows) with no noticeable change in variegation pattern. Have not attempted no window access yet.

Leaf Blade:

Marble Queen size and shape. Green portions of leaves can be textured/bumpy. Next step is to moss pole and see if it fenestrates.

Bloom and Fruit:

NA. Has not bloomed or produced fruit in my care.

Distinguishing Characteristics:

Similar to a snow queen pothos pattern but the leaves retain a creamy color when hardened. Similar to pearls and jade pothos with splotchy, inconsistent variegation. Solid green sections of leaves can have a bumpy texture similar to a monstera peru. Produces halfmoon leaves somewhat regularly, with either a solid green/variegated split or a white/variegated cream-white split. Produces snow queen patterned leaves but not consistently. Very striped stem which reflects the halfmoon genetics on 80% of the vine.

  • International Aroid Society
  • aroid.cultivars
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