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Scindapsus 'Willamette'





Nomenclatural Notes:

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Released Year:




Cultivar Type:



Maura Whitley


Maura Whitley

Seed Parent:

Pollen Parent:

Base Species or Cultivar:

Scindapsus pictus 'Exotica'


Cultivar Origin:

The wholesale nursery it was founded at, Peoria Gardens Inc., got their first crop of S.p. 'Exotica' late 2021, and after transplanting were left in a location with too much light intensity, causing sun stress to the entirety of the crop. (approx. 2k individual plants)

In 2022 I raised the alarm and personally moved the crop to a shaded location in which they were able to recover. In my time caring for the crop, I noticed approximately 35 individual plants sporting sectoral variegation of both yellow and green varieties. Setting these plants aside to be monitored and propagated I feel safe confirming most are stable in 2 different forms. (Yellow and green sports)

The Scindapsus 'Willamette' specifically is the green on green sport variety. They currently still feature some of the silver variegation from the 'Exotica' mothers creating a stunning contrast on plants leaves with heavy variegation.

Name Origin:

The mother of these variegates was a sport variegate discovered and cultivated in the Willamette Valley of Oregon, USA.

Growth Habit:

Growth habit matches the original 'Exoticas' a climbing vine belonging to the aroid group. Leaves vary from 4-7" and internodal length is approximately 2-4" under current growing conditions of 1300lux filtered sunlight, most growth achieved from May 2022 to August 2022 (when this was submitted)

Leaf Blade:

Stunning angular hearts that resemble the traditional exotica, however sections of green variegation stripe the leafs creating a beautiful contrast to the darker and lighter sections of the leafs. Current largest leaf recorded was 4" for a variegated leaf and 6" for leafs lacking yellow variegation.
Lobes overlap where they meet the petiole, no sheaths accompany new growth.

Bloom and Fruit:

Has not reached a state of maturity to have flowered or fruited.

Distinguishing Characteristics:

Dark green foliage with silver striping indicative of it's 'Exotica' heritage, but sectoral green on green variegation beneath the silver.

Similar to the exotica mothers but varying shades of green throughout the leaf, with distinct lines between color changes.

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