Anthurium 'Anthurium Minahasa'
Nomenclatural Notes:
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Cultivar Type:
Mr. Janri and Mr. Role
Seed Parent:
Pollen Parent:
Base Species or Cultivar:
Anthurium Crystallinum

Cultivar Origin:
In 1920 a teacher named Color Baker who came from the Netherlands most likely brought this plant as an ornamental plant where he worked in Kota Tondano, Minahasa, Indonesia.
In 2019 the "aroid booming" phenomenon occurred throughout the world, including in North Sulawesi, the area of origin of this plant was first identified by friends who love anthurium, felt that its characteristics were different from Anthurium Crystallinum in general, so, some people here did independent research by asking several botanists such as Mr. Tom Croat and Mr. Aaron from Missouri Botanical Garden Horticulture about this species, the answer broadly says there is a difference with Anthurium Crystallinum by making it a mutation in the Minahasa area (Indonesia is not a country that has an endemic species of anthurium) , because most of this species is found in the Minahasa and surrounding area.
Name Origin:
Named after the place where this species is most commonly found in the Minahasa region, North Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Growth Habit:
Grows in the tropics with a cool climate, but is also found in the city of Manado and its surroundings with a warm climate.
Leaf Blade:
The leaves have a different thickness from Anthurium Crystallinum in general, have a denser silver stripe with sharp characters with red leaf edges, the back of the leaf has a green-red tinge when it is young-leaf, becomes green when it is old and the leaf color is dark reddish green.
Bloom and Fruit:
The petiole is reddish green, the spadix is red when it blooms, while it is green with a red tinge when it is ripe.
Distinguishing Characteristics: