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Colocasia 'Pharaohs Mask PP33772 '





Nomenclatural Notes:

Under review

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Released Year:




Cultivar Type:



Brian Williams


Brian Williams

Seed Parent:

Unnamed hybrid

Pollen Parent:

Unnamed Hybrid

Base Species or Cultivar:


Cultivar Origin:

Breed at Brians Botanicals nursery in breeding program.

Name Origin:

Plant was named Pharaohs Mask due to the odd veins that protrude on the foliage which reminded me of the gold mask of Tutankhamun with it's dark marking design.

Growth Habit:

General description:

Blooming period.—Periodically around the year depending on temperatures in Kentucky.
Plant type.—Tropical perennial herb.
Plant habit.—Upright, stemless, clump forming.
Height and spread.—30 cm in height, 15 cm in width as a one-year-old plant in a container, mature plant reaches up to 1.5 m in height and 1.2 m in width.
Hardiness.—At least in U.S.D.A. Zones 7 to 10.
Diseases and pests.—No resistance or susceptibility to diseases and pests has been observed.
Roots.—Fleshy, NN155D in color.
Propagation type.—Root cuttings and tissue culture.
Growth rate.—Vigorous.
Root development.—Root initiate in 3 to 5 weeks and a young plant is produced in 3 to 6 weeks from a rooted cutting.
Stem description.—Stemless, can produce large tubers with age; formed at the base of the petioles with age, about 16 to 20 cm in diameter and 9 cm in height on a 2-year-old plant, comprised of petiole scales, surface is rough and paper-like, color is a blend of N199B and N199C, main tubers are circular in shape with side tubers cylindrical in shape.

Leaf Blade:

Foliage description:

Leaf shape.—Cordate.
Leaf division.—Single.
Leaf base.—Cordate.
Leaf apex.—Acute.
Leaf venation.—Pinnate, upper surface; raised, prominent, N200A in color with veins extending to margin edges, lower surface not prominent and matches leaf color.
Leaf margins.—Entire, slightly undulate, and strongly curled under.
Leaf attachment.—Petiolate.
Leaf arrangement.—Single.
Leaf surface.—Upper and lower surface; glossy to slightly glossy, rugose, coriaceous, and glabrous.
Leaf orientation.—Held downward.
Leaf color.—Both surfaces a blend of 144A and 137C.
Leaf size.—Average of 16 cm in length and 9 cm in width.
Leaf sinus depth.—Average of 3.5 cm.
Petioles.—Held erect to semi-erect, an average of 29 cm in length and 1 cm in diameter, glaucescent surface, N200A in color, the basal sheath portion is triangular in shape, top portion round in shape.

Bloom and Fruit:

Inflorescence description:

Inflorescence type.—Spadix surrounded by a spathe, male portion held above female portion, only female flowers are developed.
Inflorescence size.—An average of 26 cm in length and 2 cm in width.
Inflorescence bud.—Linear to slightly narrow lanceolate in shape, an average of 14 cm in length and 3 cm in width.
Flower fragrance.—None.
Lastingness of inflorescence.—Inflorescence blooms intermittently during the bloom period, individual flowers last about 2 to 3 weeks.
Inflorescence/flower quantity.—An average of 150 female flowers sessile to spadix, sessile male flowers are undeveloped.
Spathe.—Hooded, bract, subtending spadix, an average of 21 cm in length and 1.5 cm in width, entire margin, bottom portion; elliptic and balloon shaped, an average of 4.5 cm in length and 2 cm in width, apex fused to upper portion, truncate base, upper portion (hood); round in shape, an average of 17 cm in length and 1.3 cm in width, acute apex, upper and lower portion inner and outer surface; coriaceous and smooth, color: upper portion outer surface; 151A to 151B, upper portion inner surface; 2C, lower portion outer surface; a blend of 144B and N92A, lower portion inner surface; 144A.
Spadix.—Male portion above female zone, upright linear in shape (phallus like), apex narrowly pointed, an average of 5.5 cm in length and 6 mm in width, a mix of N187A to N187B and N155C towards the base in color, female portion; ovate in shape, an average of 4.7 cm in length and 1 cm in width, a mix of N155C and 144A in color.
Peduncle.—Grows from base of plant, triangular in shape, an average of 9 cm in length and 8 mm in diameter, durable and strong, a blend of N92A and 187A, coriaceous, glabrous, and smooth surface.

Reproductive organs:

Gynoecium.—1 minute pistil with an average of 5 carpels, base 144A, top 150C in color, ovary is round in shape, full of many small ovules, 2 mm in length and N155C in color.
Fruit and seed.—None produced.

Distinguishing Characteristics:

Green foliage with dark mid-veins that protrude off the foliage. Petioles are dark maroon as are the inflorescence.

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